Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Serious Subjects {illustration}

I'm not sure if you would guess, but the above illustration is about Anorexia. It ran in the health section of the Union-Tribune and was specifically about a treatment that involves the parents helping the child or teenager to eat first and then seek mental treatment after they have gained some healthy weight back.
This illustration was also for our health section and was for a story on how mental decline and retirement seem to go together. According to the article, the longer you stayed working or mentally and physically active, the healthier your brain stayed. I'm sure it was worded much better in the article. I can't remember how I came up with this idea. I suppose that is another mystery of the brain - where creativity comes from. Anyway, it makes me sad to think this poor guy is unraveling his brain the further into his retirement he goes. I'm never retiring!
{The above illustrations ran in the San Diego Union-Tribune}